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Commissioned Weavings

Using found natural objects like driftwood, prairie plants and seed heads and incorporating copper wire and hand-spun yarn, I build natural weavings of all shapes and sizes.


Weavings pictured are installed at
Kosa Ayurvedic Spa in Madison, Wisconsin

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Ephemeral art

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Connecting with nature can take many forms. One of my favorite activities with  groups is to celebrate nature by creating ephemeral art.
During community art events, I construct weaving frames between trees with local, hand-spun wool. Children harvest prairie plants and create collaborative, ephemeral weavings as an offering of gratitude.

Pictured here: Patrick Marsh Conservation Area. 

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Asian, Mayan and Christian traditions depict mandalas - symbols of the cosmos, as well as that within our minds and bodies and the relationship between the two. The circular pattern has been used as a focal point for meditation or prayer.  Creating an ephemeral mandala offers us a space to pay homage to transient nature of everything and live in our present experience without attachment to a final product.

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These mandalas were made with children as a part of nature celebrations and gratitude practices at Patrick Marsh Conservancy, Sun Prairie and Brittingham Park in Madison, Wisconsin.

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© 2024 by Sonya Sankaran

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